Friday, May 13, 2011

Connect and More!

Courtesy : Friday Magazine,a weekly supplement of Gulf News

Each of this is a quiz question in its own right,but the answers connect to a common theme.Crack 'em and connect 'em!!

  1. According to the New Economics Foundation,which country ranks first in the Happy Planet Index and is  the  "greenest" country in the world?
  2. Before 1995,which was the only country to exist in all of the world's hemispheres : north,south,east and west?
  3. Aside from Uzbekistan,which tiny country is doubly landlocked i.e,surrounded by landlocked countries?
  4. A citizen of which country would be the world's only palindromic national?
  5. Apia is the capital and largest city of which Pacific Archipelago?

Courtesy : Friday Magazine,a weekly supplement of Gulf New

1 comment:

  1. 1.Costa Rica
    2.Kiribati(After the International Date Line got re-aligned,Kiribati is currently the eastern-most country in the world)

    Connect : They are among the world's nations that have no standing army.

    Congratz : Prashant M,Vatsal Kumar :)


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