Tuesday, June 7, 2011

State of Affairs 2.0 : Bigger - Better

1.Cyprus and Argentina owe their etymology to metals.If Argentina is named after silver,after which metal is Cyprus named?

2.Identify the Band.

3."Variety is the spice of life" #Old Adage.
    On the walls of which brightly decorated global chain of confectioners would you find
    "Variety is the ice of  life" ?

4.Why was Operation Neptune's Spear recently in the news?

5.    [Given below is an exhaustive list.Identify what it is.]
  •  Mitra-bheda
  • Mitra-lābha or Mitra-samprāpti
  • Kākolūkīyam
  • Labdhapraṇāśam
  • Aparīkṣitakārakaṃ

6.Connect [The given celebrities do not form an exhaustive list,i.e;they are not the only ones eligible to appear in this question]

7.Identify(the substance;not the man)



  1. 1. copper
    2. lady antebelum
    3. baskin robin
    4. osama's death
    7. aerosol

  2. 5) panchatantra

    6) People for ethical treatment of animal (PETA)

  3. 1.copper after its latin name cuprum..
    3. baskin n robins
    4. killing of bin laden
    5. Panchatantra

  4. 1. copper
    2. Lady Antebellum
    3. Baskin Robins
    4. Osama Bin Laden's Take down
    5. panchatantra
    6. People for ethical treatment of animal (PETA)
    7. Aerogel,the lightest substance in the world

    Well played all of you :D!!
    Mr.Arindam,Mr.Lincoln(is that you Ajay??) and Mr.Vinod!! :)

  5. wasnt osama's taking down op called op geronimo?

  6. "The historical Geronimo was a leader of the Chiricahua Apache who defied the U.S. government and eluded capture." #Wikipedia.

    This name was met with widespread indignation and they had to change it eventually!


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